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Genting Casinos UK
Get rewarded for your loyalty. Register with My Genting Rewards to earn points on play which can be redeemed in club either for gaming or food and drink. See below for full details.
We run six separate Reward Schemes as follows:-
All new members are enrolled onto Red Scheme membership upon sign-up. Membership of all other Schemes is and remains at our invitation.
We reserve the right to periodically review and evaluate scheme (and Scheme) membership at all times and may invite you to join or enrol you upon another Scheme, maintain your membership of an existing Scheme or revoke Scheme membership at any time.
In the event of invite or upgrade to another Scheme we will ensure that you retain points accrued on prior Scheme’s for the period of their validity (typically 12 months from date of accrual).
My Genting App
Available on Android and iOS devices, with our free to download app, track your points, view your offers and complete exciting challenges to earn even more!
REWARD POINTS Members earn Reward points on the following activities in club, provided their card is presented (or inserted e.g. into machines or presented at table where applicable) at the time of their play:
Further to the My Genting Schemes mentioned in the table, a further, separate scheme exists termed “Black Scheme”, entrance to this scheme is by invitation only and is subject to a separate agreement between the player and the casino.
All points accrue and are logged at a rate no greater than the amount spent with us
Points can be redeemed for play and food and drink in club.
Sheffield & Stoke casino – complimentary food items only available from the Gaming Menu. Westcliff Casino – the following food items are excluded from complimentary refreshments - 16oz Rump Steak, 16oz Sirloin Steak, 14oz Fillet Steak
Complimentary refreshments are at the sole discretion of the casino management team and are limited to reasonable usage. Only the member is entitled to the complimentary refreshments, and it does not apply to family and friends which is at the discretion of the casino management team. Complimentary refreshments apply only whilst gaming and the consumption of alcohol is limited to reasonable usage.
These terms may change or be updated from time to time. We will make reasonable efforts to keep you updated about significant changes both online and in club. Any revised terms will, however, be binding upon their upload to our Rewards website and/or their prominent display in club.
Members must 18 years of age or older to be a My Genting Rewards member.
Membership is free of charge.
Membership is and remains subject to our discretion at all times and can be suspended or withdrawn (for example, in the event of a barring or self-exclusion from our premises) as we see fit.
Customers can apply for membership by:-
a. Applying in person at all Genting Casino's (either at reception or at our cash-desk, the latter where available)
b. Pre-registering at You can then pick up your Reward Card in club on your next visit; or
c. Via the My Genting Rewards App. A Rewards card can then be picked up in club on your next visit.
Applicants agree and confirm that it is their own responsibility to keep their name, contact details and contact preferences up to date and secure (including their device login and password, if they have downloaded our Rewards App). We cannot be held responsible for any failure on Applicants part to do so.
Applicants (and Members) agree and confirm that it is their responsibility to safeguard any Rewards Card issued to them and that we are not responsible for any lost or stolen cards, nor any non-approved usage of them.
Only one Rewards Card is permitted per customer. Our Rewards Cards are and remain our property at all times.
Members accrue Reward Points on spend in club on our slots and electronic gaming machines and live table play.
Reward Points will not accrue on food and drink spend in club. However, points accrued on gaming will be redeemable against food and drink purchases in club (see “Redemption” above).
In order to accrue points all Members must insert or present their Reward card at commencement of their play.
Our Reward Schemes are and remain subject to periodic review. We may invite you to join another Scheme or change that Scheme at any time based upon our informed view of your activity with us. We aim to notify you when we do so using the contact details you have provided, but ultimately reserve the right to effect appropriate changes to memberships either automatically or upon your next visit to club.
1x Reward Point has a notional value of £0.01, but cannot be redeemed for cash.
a. Electronic Roulette = Average wager of £10 for 2 hours playing 35 spins per hour = £0.56
b. Slots = Average wager of £1 playing 360 spins per hour = £0.65
Points are valid for a period of twelve months from the date of their accrual only and must be redeemed within that time. Any failure to do so results in their automatic cancellation.
We may from time to time offer you enhanced points or incentives using specific promotions and offers, such offers will be subject to the specific terms applicable to any such offer.
We reserve the right to vary the level of points awarded) or redemption rates, benefits and options, available to members at our discretion from time to time. In exercising this right we agree that (where points are concerned with, accrued, or connected to gaming in particular) that:-
a. Points accrual and/or redemption shall be proportionate to any members play over a prolonged period of time;
b. Points accrual and/or redemption will not be dependant on any member gambling for a pre-determined length of time or frequency;
c. Points accrual and/or redemption will not reward or incentivise points accrual on the basis that points are accrued and/or redeemed over a shorter period of time than they ordinarily would be;
d. That any increase (or decrease) in points accrual or membership privileges which are linked to spend is/will be proportionate; and
e. That any accrual and/or redemption connected to ancillary benefits (for example, food, drink, subsidised travel or accommodation) will not be directly related to any members level of prospective gaming.
As regards slot and electronic gaming, it is the responsibility of the member to ensure that their Reward card is inserted properly in any gaming machine before commencing play.
Where table tracking is applicable, We agree that we shall use reasonable endeavours to track a members play. However, you acknowledge that points will be granted (if at all) based upon the personal observation of our employees, which may be subject to bona fide human error. You agree and confirm that our determination shall be final with respect to any points awarded save in the event of manifest error. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that an Inspector is furnished with their Scheme Card when playing table games.
It is a breach of the Membership rules for a member to accrue points by allowing anyone else to use his or her Scheme Card. Members who give their Card to any other person for the purposes of gaining points or realising benefits may have their membership either cancelled or suspended at Genting’s absolute discretion.
We reserve the right at all times to vary (i) qualifying activities for points accrual; (ii) the rate at which points accrue against qualifying activities; and (iii) redemption options or redemptions rates for all of our separate Reward schemes. In the event that we do so we will try and keep you posted of significant changes in person and in club. However, all changes will nonetheless be deemed effective and binding upon upload to our website / or prominent display in club.
We reserve the right to correct points or membership errors that occur due to computer (or human) error, machine malfunction, operator error, or from any fraud or misuse of any Rewards Card.
We reserve the right to suspend or cancel any points, card, or membership where we consider that the schemes are, have been, or are likely to be or become subject to abuse, fraud, or any other impropriety. We further reserve the aforementioned right to cancel points or memberships in the event of actual or attempted cheating at gambling, fraud or other impropriety, or where same is reasonably required by applicable law or regulation.
The death or insolvency of a Reward scheme member will result in the cancellation of the applicable Membership and forfeiture of their points balance.
You will not earn or be able to redeem any points whilst you are in breach of these Reward terms and conditions or the House Rules applicable to play in club (including but not limited to actual or attempted cheating, or any abuse or harassment of our staff).
Where we reasonably believe that there has been a breach of the Rewards terms and conditions we may withdraw, cancel, or withhold any points allocated to your membership.
Members who are permanently excluded from our premises are not entitled to participate in any of our Rewards schemes and any points balance they hold at the time of their exclusion or barring will be cancelled and forfeited.
Members who self-exclude themselves from our premises (whether directly with us or via any industry scheme) will not accrue points, nor be able to redeem existing points for the period of their self-exclusion. Moreover, any such exclusion shall not serve to extend the validity of any existing points beyond their standard 12-month validity period.
If any scheme member owes any money to us, the right to accrue or redeem points and any other reward card benefits (or their scheme membership) may be suspended, withdrawn, or cancelled at our discretion pending payment of any outstanding debt.
Members who do not collect points for two years, may at our discretion, be removed from our Rewards Program and will need to reapply for membership should they wish to re-join.
When you join one of our Schemes you will provide us with, relatively basic name, address and contact details from which you can be identified (personal data). We will use this to:-
a. Register and enrol you onto our Reward Scheme.
b. Administer Reward points logged against your Reward Card and “link” that to any player record held (if any) by our clubs or (as applicable) our online casino;
c. Administer and evaluate your take-up of Reward Points and to administer Reward point redemption and expiry;
d. Administer any specific reward point promotions or offers which we may offer and you may take up from time to time (e.g. double points, enhanced redemption or other offers)
e. Administer redemptions of Reward Points and/or manual correction of your Reward Point balance (the latter e.g. in the event of error);
f. Review your gaming activity with us alongside your points accrual to reasonably inform any decision to invite you to join one of our other separate schemes;
g. Build an individual record of your play, play preference, accruals and redemptions to better inform our overall Rewards offer and/or specific offers, accruals or redemptions which we think might be of particular interest to you and further to improve your overall Rewards and casino experience with us; and
h. (where you have confirmed suitable contact preferences on sign-up) communicate with you by email, SMS, or post about upcoming rewards, benefits, accrual or redemption offers which we believe might be of interest to you. Where we do this you may opt-out of receipt of such communications at any time.
i. Meet our legal, regulatory and regulatory reporting obligations.
Any processing of your personal data for Reward membership purposes is/will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy, for further details see here:-
Nothing within these terms acts to exclude our liability in respect of personal injury or death nor any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited as a matter of applicable law.
Subject to paragraph 36 and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, We will not be liable to you in contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise for any consequential or incidental loss or damage (including but not limited to, loss of revenue, loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, benefits or redemption opportunities, wasted costs or expenses) nor any other indirect, special, loss or damage howsoever arising and howsoever caused.
Subject always to paragraphs 36 and 37 Our maximum liability to you in the event of any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be limited in aggregate to; (i) a re-credit of any rewards point balance in query or dispute; or (ii) £250 in all eventualities.
The different Reward Schemes we run are separate from any loyalty programme run for our own online casino in the UK and separate to any scheme in effect at any Genting group casinos outside the UK. Membership of those schemes does not give any rights or entitlements in relation to these schemes.
A person who is not a party to these terms and conditions shall have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of these terms and conditions.
These terms and conditions replace all previous versions and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and any disputes will be decided by the English courts, the exclusive jurisdiction of which we both accept.
References to “We” “Us” “Our” or “Genting” are references to Genting Casinos UK Limited (Co. No. 01519689) of Genting Club Star City, Watson Road, Birmingham, B7 5SA, the operator of the My Genting Rewards program and App.
References to “You” are to the prospective or participating member of our My Genting Rewards scheme.
In the event of a question or query in connection with your reward points, card or account please contact your local casino at first instance
Last Updated 12.07.2024
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